Feb 13, 2013

Teaching Haikal Sains

Subjek benda hidup n benda bukan hidup...he can read well in bahasa..good job sayang...sambil mmy ajar hanna is listening...smbil try to jwb all question yg mmy tanya Haikal...by the way she is a smart girl..no doubt on that! then chapter 2-manusia... Tgh mmy tanya telinga utk apa...my 2 H dok angkat tgn...dengar! dengar!...then mmy tanya lagi..hidung utk apa? my H jwb bau..lagi? ...hanna jawab..korek hidung..hahaha..see, i told u she is tOo smart..think outside d box..haha..so charming la hanna..u r d angel in d houz that make us laugh sayang.. Moralnya i teach my babies myself since they kinder..by teaching them u will know their weakness n strenght..lagi bebaloi bila exam they become top three student...wat had happen to Haikal..terharu mmy bila dia dpt naik stage amik hadiah..its really worth it! Luv all my 4H so much!!! xoxo mummy